Hyperspectral X-ray detector


  • Available with single-pixel or elongated single-pixel CZT sensorย 
  • Sensor protected by an aluminum window
  • Output signal proportional to the radiative intensity, transmitted analogically or digitally (EtherCAT)
  • Exceptional signal-to-noise ratio thanks to hyperspectral technology
  • Ideal alternative of scintillator with spectroscopic performances
  • Certificate of calibration of energy resolution with radioactive source
  • Multicolor LED to display detector status
  • Supplied with a simple software GUI
  • Rugged, lightweight, dust-proof aluminum housing

Diameter: 49 mm max.
Length: 176 mm (senza connettori)



HXD is a detector for measuring X-ray radiation through an innovative semiconductor sensor with spectral sensing characteristics placed behind a thin protective aluminum cover. The sensor consists of a cadmium-zinc-telluride (CdZnTe: CZT) detector crystal and high-speed electronics for counting individual photons, capable of measuring both the flux and energy of photons. The HXD can be supplied with two different sensor sizes: a standard square type (“P” type) and a special rectangular type (“L” type). The P type is suitable for a well-collimated photon beam (2×2 mm detection area), the L type is designed for applications where photons may fan out, arranged on a line and not on a point (19×2 mm detection area).

HXD is designed for industrial applications: its small size and robust aluminum housing make it an ideal alternative to the scintillator detector. It must be powered by 24 Vdc, has one analog output (0-10V) and one digital output on EtherCAT bus. The analog output represents the integral of the read energy; the data provided on the bus contains spectroscopic information and allows further processing by the user. Built-in artificial intelligence algorithms enable spectrum optimization even at high flux. The detector comes with a specific EtherCAT bus dialog protocol.


The HXD detector can operate with either analog output mode or hyperspectral mode.
Analog output mode is immediately available once the detector is powered. The analog signal output is the integral of spectra with update time of 100 msec by default.

Hyperspectral mode is achieved only when EtherCAT communication is used. All detector controls can be carried out through protocol commands.
For example, measurement parameters such as update time and energy thresholds can be set.
Total spectra can be downloaded at user-defined intervals.