Research & Development > Industrial Scope


Among the various industrial production sectors that are potentially driving the development of new technologies, the agribusiness chain is certainly one of those with the most ferment. Since its inception, Due2Lab has been offering innovative solutions for contaminant and foreign body control, anti-counterfeiting control, and monitoring the health status of a given food product.

  • ColorXfood
    financed by regional call POR-FESR 2014 – 2020

Development of spectroscopic X-ray technology for the detection of foreign bodies with chemical composition and matrix-like density in sealed food packages.

  • Project “PhD Food and Sustainable Development (F.A.I. Lab)”
    funded by MIUR and coordinated by the CRUI Foundation in partnership with Coldiretti

This project made it possible to invest in the development of X-ray spectroscopy for quality control and safety of the food supply chain.